In this age of ever-expanding digital communications, written correspondence seems like a dying art. However, there’s something personal about letters that cannot be replicated through text, email or social media.
Earlier this semester university correspondence went full circle. I wrote a letter to our alumni, university friends and supporters highlighting the quality of education here at Bloomsburg University and how we measure its success. One example I used came directly from a recent graduate, Julie Gould.
Julie emailed me this past summer to mention how happy she was about her education and how the academic support she received in and out of the classroom enabled her to land a job within weeks of graduating in May. Her story epitomizes the daily impact our faculty and staff have on our students, which leads to personal and professional success for our graduates.
Julie’s story not only touched me as Bloomsburg University’s president, it resonated with an alumnus from the Class of 1982 now living in Florida. After 32 years, he admitted this was the first piece of correspondence he’s received from the university that inspired him to respond.
In a letter to me, he said he is very grateful of the education he received here and the support that led to his post-graduate success. Much like Julie, this alumnus said he was able to make important connections through his academic department and the university’s recruitment program to land a job soon after graduation. That entry-level position spurred him onto a very successful career. A journey I’m confident will be shared by Julie.
How do I know?
I’ll use this alumnus’ own words ...
“To summarize, and to concur with Ms. Gould, when you attend Bloomsburg as a student you don’t realize the quality of education and the experience the university provides you. It only becomes apparent when you get out into the workforce and match up with graduates from other universities or work side by side with others that you begin to realize the quality of education you received at Bloomsburg. I am proud that I attended Bloomsburg, and it did prepare me for a lifetime of success.”
For me, this letter, so heartfelt and personal, is a keeper.
#SenseOfCommunity #ProfessionalU