Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer renovations wrapping up

Summer is quickly coming to a close and so are a few key building projects here at Bloomsburg University that will make this fall semester even more exciting. I’ve already highlighted the Jessica S. Kozloff Apartments project on the upper campus, so I will focus on the lower campus here.

In less than a month, the first phase of renovation to Bakeless Center should be finished and just in time for the new semester. The second phase work on the east side classrooms is on schedule to be completed by the spring semester. This is great news for our students, staff and faculty who call Bakeless home during the school year. The $4.1 million renovation will give the 40-year-old building new life with the most up-to-date electrical and ventilation systems and will significantly enhance the existing classroom and office space.

As a result, the great academic programs in economics, English, philosophy and political science located in Bakeless will get even better with improved infrastructure for more technology and teaching space. I’m proud to say those programs have continued to thrive amid the disruption of the renovation, which will continue in part through the winter. The College of Liberal Arts is a very active and comprehensive area of study at BU, preparing graduates for a variety of professions – law, medicine, media, business, health, government service, art and education.

More improvements are on the way for the Liberal Arts departments outside of Bakeless with planned renovations of McCormick Center and Old Science Hall. Plus, we will keep a close eye on what other facilities need updated and possibly expanded as we develop a new strategic plan and a new facilities master plan this school year.

BU prides itself in minimizing deferred maintenance and aggressively funding renovations to keep our academic, housing and dining facilities operating efficiently as possible. This is done to give our students, faculty and staff access to the most current and convenient space, technology and services. Our campus has kept busy this summer with plenty of activity and planning. Things certainly won’t be slowing down for the fall.

1 comment:

  1. BU needs a parking garage behind the Library. It's a shame there's not more parking there and the previous admin should have thought of that before the just put one large lot there.
