Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The value of a BU education

As we adjust to the recent tuition increase and ongoing economic challenges, which include a continued stalemate of the state budget process, I wanted to take time to highlight some of the unique programs BU offers that have proven successful in attracting students and helping them land good jobs in the ever-growing, competitive world. These are just a few programs in BU’s comprehensive catalog that emphasize the high quality education our students get here at an affordable price.

BU's first and, so far, only doctoral program is offered in audiology, which is a clinical program designed to produce audiologists who perform a wide array of diagnostic, remedial and other audiology services. The program places major emphasis on clinical training and practical application of research, theory and technology into clinical practice.

Another unique offering is our computer forensics program, which is the only computer forensics bachelor's degree program in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. The increased use of computers to commit crimes and growing demand for computer-based data in civil proceedings created a need for individuals with expertise to extract useful information from computer evidence. Our program prepares students for careers as computer forensics specialists who can work with law enforcement, homeland security agencies, law firms, and private companies.

Our College of Business offers a fraud examination career concentration. This unique interdisciplinary program provides in-depth coverage of fraud examination and forensic accounting.

BU, like its 13 sister PASSHE institutions, began as a teacher's college. One of our unique degree programs within in the College of Education is our bachelor's and master's program in American Sign Language and English interpreting program. This program prepares students for interpreting in a variety of jobs settings, such as the legal, educational and medical fields. The program includes hands-on training obtained through in-class practice and personal interaction with the local deaf population.

BU has also has built a solid foundation on it successful programs, such as our bachelor’s program in anthropology. At BU, anthropology is divided into three areas — cultural anthropology, which studies ways of life in societies across the world; physical anthropology, which traces human origins and biological variability; and archaeology, which seeks to explain human behavior by studying material remains from past cultures. These disciplines are blended together so students see the whole picture of humankind, how humans have evolved, what problems they face, what solutions are possible and what the future might hold.

We take pride in knowing our university offers a complete list of high quality academic programs that place our graduates in the best position to land great jobs or continue their higher education. And this is done without placing excessive burden on their families' finances.


  1. As a student, I was always most disturbed that though it houses the most students, the College of Liberal Arts seemed most shunned.

    Case-in-point: the political science and philosophy departments are shoved into an office together, the history department (or any that reside) in Old Science have some of the oldest technology, desks, and even heating systems, and many of the Communications and Writing classes - essential to any future degree and career - are increasingly taught by part-time professors.

    All this while the Anthropology department - which, don't get me wrong, includes several incredible professors and a fascinating program - increases its coverage through the President's Blog and is housed in a cutting-edge facility.

    The same can be neglect can be noticed by the College of Education, BU's cornerstone program.

    Certainly this country (and BU) needs to focus on math, science, and technology. But sooner or later the school will need to channel their resources to the areas of study that house the majority of students; I merely hope it happens sooner.

    Jake Miller, '05

  2. Bloomsburg University is home to many excellent academic programs. Although I cannot recognize them all in one blog, I wanted to highlight some unique and high quality academic programs, and I look forward to recognizing others in the future.

    We are currently renovating Bakeless Hall, and the project will significantly enhance classroom and faculty office space. This academic year, we will develop a new strategic plan and a new facilities master plan. In the planning, we will consider space issues for other departments in the College of Liberal Arts, including renovation of McCormick Center and renovation or replacement of Old Science. The entire BU community, including alumni, will be invited to participate in the process.

    David L. Soltz
