As we welcome students back from winter break, this message is being spread across campus with the hope of sparking – well, more like launching – a new way of fostering student entrepreneurial creativity. The effort will begin later this week with the help of several successful alumni.

I’m looking forward to seeing this collection of talent come together on campus to exchange ideas, brainstorm and give our students unique access to the secrets of entrepreneurial success. That success, as students will learn from our alumni, can begin here in a classroom, laboratory or a residence hall study lounge. Our students will also benefit from face-to-face feedback on their marketable ideas and the chance to network with professionals and other potential entrepreneurs.
This symposium is another example of how BU takes learning beyond the classroom and presents it in multiple ways that are easily accessible to students. It also gives our students a tremendous opportunity to enhance their academic success, while launching them on their way to making an impact in the world.
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